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O que é?
pedometer is a device used to measure the number of steps taken during a walk or run. It's usually worn on the body, often attached to a belt or wristband, and uses sensors to detect movement and vibration that occurs when you walk or run. The data is then converted to steps. The history of pedometers dates back centuries, where people used step counters to measure the distance traveled while traveling on foot. The first modern electronic pedometers were developed in the 1960s, and were used primarily for scientific studies of physical activity. With the advent of information technology, pedometers have become more accessible and easier to use for the general public, and have been integrated into electronic devices such as cell phones, smart watches and activity bracelets. . A common example of using a pedometer is to track physical activity, users can set daily goals in terms of step count, and use this data to assess their fitness and improve their overall health. It can also be used in combination with other data, such as distance traveled and calories burned to track the progress of a fitness program. Pedometers can also be used for health research, population data analysis, and to develop health improvement programs.
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