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Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (MRUA)
¿Qué es?
Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion (MRUA) is the motion of a mobile in a straight line whose acceleration is constant. In an MRUA, since the acceleration is constant, the change in speed is the same every second. On the other hand, the variation in position is therefore increasingly large, since a greater distance is traveled at each time interval. The use of the term rectilinear in the definition of the MRUA refers to movement in a straight line. When a movement takes place in more than one axis (for example in a projectile movement), the decomposition of this movement according to the different axes facilitates its analysis.
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Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (MRUA)
The analysis of a free fall is an interesting project to understand the concept of Uniformely Accelerated Rectilinear Motion :
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