How to measure the speed of a skier using video analysis?
Level :
Middle school, High school
Students calculate the speed of a skier during a ski competition using the analysis of a video taken from FizziQ's video library. They could also analyse their own video taken with a smartphone. Students analyze the trajectory to determine the speed of the skier and confirm the speed displayed by the TV company of the screen. Introduction to video analysis using FizziQ kinematics module is fully described in the protocol.
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Before doing the protcool, you may want to follow this short tutorial on how to conduct a kinemtic analysis with FizziQ.
Many other athletes videos can be found on our website : https://www.fizziq.org/en/cinematique
The experimental protocol to compute the speed of Johan Clarey in the video is the following :
1. Study of the trajectory and speed of a skier
2. In the Tools menu, select Kinematics Study, then Video, then FizziQ Resources
3. Find the video on the Downhill, Olympic event, and copy the link
4. Go back to the Cinematic menu and tap on Internet, then tap on the Copy icon
5. The video appears on the screen
6. To do the kinematic analysis, determine the scale by placing the origin and the end of the ruler on the marker, then entering the length of the ruler
7. Press Point, and point to the skier's positions by moving the target over the skier then tapping the screen to validate the position
8. Which part of his body did you choose? Is it important ?
9. Repeat the score for the whole sequence and press Results
10. Select time and speeds Vx and Vy and press Notebook
11. The data is added to your notebook where you can analyze it
12. What is the horizontal speed of the skier?
13. In the video you will find his speed, why is there a gap?
14. How can you take the speed Vy into account in your calculation? What result do you get then?
15. Document your analysis by adding text and photos and share it!