When can I use FizziQ?
FizziQ can be used in all situations where pupils or students do not have access to a laboratory to conduct their scientific experiments:
- Inaccessible laboratories (containment, work )
- Disability situations (at the hospital or at home)
- Non-existent or faulty equipment
- Fieldwork alone or in groups
Do we have to pay to use FizziQ?
The FizziQ app is free. It can be used freely for educational purposes for non-commercial uses. If screenshots or parts of screens are broadcast on media with a circulation of more than 250 copies, the name of the application and the internet link of the application, www.fizziq.org, must be indicated on the support. You can also use the app logo in connection with the app.
On which smartphones and tablets does FizziQ work?
FizziQ is available in iOS and Android environments and works on devices that use these operating systems. The type of data the user can capture, however, depends on the capabilities of the devices. The functionality is the same on both platforms.
What makes FizziQ different from other apps?
There are other applications, some of which were pioneers in the field, but FizziQ is the only application that integrates, in a modern and intuitive interface, the capture of information, the notebook of experiments, the protocols of experiments and experimentation tools like simultaneous recording, sound library, intervalometer, triggers and more . FizziQ enables collaboration between students and promotes the development of the educational community.
How to create new experimental protocols on FizziQ?
FizziQ is an open system. Teachers are encouraged to build their own experimental protocols, either from existing protocols that they can modify, or by creating new protocols. You can create or edit a protocol in several ways:
1. From the application, in the Tools and Protocol Management menu .
2. From any QR Code generator on the Internet, following the rules of the FizziQ Protocol format. The simple procedure is detailed by following this link .
How to exchange protocols with the students?
FizziQ uses QR codes for protocol exchange. It is very easy to create a QR code directly from FizziQ, or from any QR code generator on the internet. Follow this link to create the QR code for a FizziQ protocol and understand why we have chosen to use QR codes.
Where can I find experimental protocols?
A large number of protocols are available on the site www.fizziq.org in the protocol tab. On social networks, there are FizziQ protocols with the hashtag #fizziqlab. The community is encouraged to share its protocols so that other teachers, in France but also abroad and in developing countries, can use smartphones as educational tools.
How to share a protocol?
Teachers can share a protocol on social media using the hashtag #fizziqlab.
They can also send their protocols to the email address christoph@triangle.digital to be distributed on the Fizziq.org site. The submission must include the QR code, an illustrative image (optional), and the author's name or nickname (specify "anonymous" if you do not want the protocol to be assigned). Triangle.digital reserves the right to publish the protocol or not.
Can I connect a micro: bit or Arduino card with FizziQ?
It is very easy to connect cards incorporating a BLE Bluetooth module with FizziQ. For example micro: bit, Arduino BLE or ESP 32. The card will then be able to send data which is recognized by FizziQ.
For boards that do not have a Bluetooth module like the first generation Arduino boards, or for programming languages that are not compatible with the bluetooth modules of the boards (for example Python on micro: bit), the module can be used. Bluetooth HM-10 which allows data to be sent directly to the FizziQ application via Bluetooth BLE.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Can I connect another type of external Bluetooth sensor?
Most external bluetooth sensors, such as temperature or CO2 sensors, communicate with proprietary formats and FizziQ cannot collect this data.
How can FizziQ help fight inequalities ?
Pupils and students in developed countries usually have access to well-equipped laboratories at school or university. In some countries, however, such infrastructure does not exist and students cannot progress as much as they would like. Sometimes girls' high schools and colleges are less well endowed than those for boys, leading to discrimination that will not allow women equal access to scientific careers. In all these situations, the use of applications such as FizziQ allows as many people as possible to find an experimentation environment suitable for learning the scientific method. Sharing protocols within the educational community is an effective way to facilitate learning for all.
In what language was FizziQ developed?
The FizziQ interface was developed in the Flutter language. This modern language makes FizziQ an ergonomic and scalable tool. The calculation functions are programmed in Dart.
Who developed FizziQ?
FizziQ was developed on a voluntary basis by Christophe Chazot and his company Trapeze.digital to promote scientific education.
In France, the La main à la Pâte Foundation distributes the free application for high school, college and primary students.