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Our blog
Interesting articles published regularly on education and science teaching, the use of FizziQ, or scientific articles.

Christophe Chazot
Aug 1, 202317 min read
Seven Experiments on Gravity with your Smartphone
Gravity, omnipresent in our everyday lives, remains a complex subject to grasp in its entirety. While Newton's portrayal of gravity as a...

Guillaume Lefranc - Christophe Chazot
Mar 13, 20239 min read
Measuring Pi with Smartphone Sensors: A Fun and Educational Challenge
Today is Pi Day !! The occasion to celebrate Pi, this mathematical constant which has fascinated the whole world for millennia and which,...

Christophe Chazot
Feb 23, 20237 min read
5 science projects in biomechanics with a smartphone
Do you know that biomechanics allows athletes to boost their performance by applying the laws of mechanics to living beings? In this...

Christophe Chazot
Feb 20, 20235 min read
Five math experiments to do with your smartphone
In this article, we propose five activities in the field of mathematics to be carried out with your smartphone. They can be offered to...

Christophe Chazot
Feb 2, 20238 min read
Seven experiments to measure the speed of sound in the air
Calculating the speed of sound becomes a simple and engaging task with the use of a smartphone, transforming this commonly abstract...

Christophe Chazot
Nov 28, 20229 min read
Six science experiments with the tone generator
Tone generators, also called frequency generators or synthesizers, can be used to conduct many exciting scientific experiments to...

Christophe Chazot
Nov 24, 20227 min read
Could we see a sound?
You can see the swell, a mechanical wave that propagates on the surface of the water; you can also see an earthquake; but can we see a...

Christophe Chazot
Nov 9, 20224 min read
Kinematics analysis of pole vault jumping
The movement of athletes is one of the most interesting subjects of kinematic study. The precision of gestures, the transformation of...

Christophe Chazot
Jul 6, 20225 min read
Fun and serious Low Frequency Oscillators effects (LFO)
In this blog, we will study the acoustic phenomenon of rhythmic pulses. This effect is very easy to create with the FizziQ application...

Christophe Chazot
Dec 17, 20216 min read
Why is green light used in watches to measure heartbeat ?
Many applications allow you to calculate the heart rate using only the camera of a smartphone. On what principles are these applications...

Christophe Chazot
Oct 2, 20212 min read
Does adding two sounds really increase the sound level by 3 decibels?
It is not easy to demonstrate in class that the addition of two sound sources of the same intensity leads to an increase in the sound...

Christophe Chazot
Apr 22, 20213 min read
What is the difference between linear and absolute acceleration?
Quand on ouvre le menu accéléromètre dans FizziQ on trouve deux types d'accélération : l'accélération linéaire et l'accélération absolue.
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